FAO - Leaderboard

Marchés publics / Communes

En application de l’accord international du 15 avril 1994 sur les marchés publics (AMP), de l’accord entre la Confédération suisse et la Communauté européenne du 21 juin 1999 sur certains aspects relatifs aux marchés publics, de la loi fédérale du 6 octobre 1995 sur le marché intérieur (LMI), de l’accord intercantonal du 15 novembre 2019 sur les marchés publics (A-IMP), de la loi cantonale du 14 juin 2022 sur les marchés publics (LMP-VD) et de son règlement d’application du 29 juin 2022 (RLMP-VD).

Les publications des avis ci-après figurent sur la plateforme www.simap.ch qui seule fait foi (art. 22 RLMP-VD).


Avis de concours - Résumé

N° de la publication simap: 1290613

Soumis aux accords internationaux

Concours d'idées

1. Pouvoir adjudicateur

1.1 Nom officiel et adresse du pouvoir adjudicateur

Service d'achat/Entité adjudicatrice
Association Jardin Urbain p/a Ville de Lausanne, Service des parcs et domaineses

Service organisateur/Entité organisatrice
Association Jardin Urbain
p/a Ville de Lausanne, direction LEA, service des parcs et domaines,
à l'intention de Lachavanne Yves, Avenue du Chablais 46, case postale 80, 1007 Lausanne,

1.4 Délai de clôture pour le dépôt des offres
Date: 11.11.2022 Heure: 16:00
Exigences formelles: The application file submitted by the teams constitutes the document on which the selection procedure of the teams is based.
This file of maximum of three A4 pages should include:
•The name of the team, a presentation of its members (surname/first name, profession or activity, place of activity, experience, etc.) and the name of the leader.
•The reasons for the application and the team’s intentions in relation to the competition theme and the chosen sites. Each team must indicate two areas of interest (1st and 2nd choice) from the twelve proposed areas of reflection
•Two to three references of projects already completed.
All competition documents are available at www.lausannejardins.ch

1.7 Mode de procédure choisi: Procédure sélective

2. Objet du concours

2.1 Genre de prestations de concours: Autres

2.2 Titre du projet du concours:
International Competition Lausanne Jardins 2024

2.5 Description du projet
Since the first festival in 1997, the Municipality of Lausanne and Association Jardin Urbain (AJU) have organised Lausanne Jardins (LJ): a cultural event that combines landscape architecture with reflection on the city. Every five years, a series of ephemeral gardens are set up throughout Lausanne, some of which may foreshadow future urban and landscape transformations. Visitors are thus invited to take a unique walk during the summer and are encouraged to stroll around Lausanne to discover unusual garden sites.

With current changes in the urban landscape, Lausanne Jardins 2024 (LJ24) aims to raise public awareness of the issues related to climate change, the collapse of biodiversity and the finiteness of resources, in order to offer innovative solutions. The event, which is based on a series of contemporary garden art installations, some of which are ephemeral, others of which are intended to be permanent, thus acts as an urban laboratory. The installations on show allow for life-size testing of methods aimed at improving the uses, aesthetics and sustainability of the urban landscape. By addressing gardens as a strategic and flexible transformation tool, Lausanne Jardins seeks to strengthen the city’s resilience and its capacity to adapt – faculties that are crucial for the future quality of life in an urban environment.

3. Conditions

3.10 Conditions pour l'obtention des documents de participation
Prix: CHF 0.00

3.16 Obtention des documents de participation pour la phase de sélection:
à l'adresse suivante:
Association Jardin Urbain
p/a Ville de Lausanne, direction LEA, service des parcs et domaines, Avenue du Chablais 46, case postale 80, 1007 Lausanne,
Dossier disponible à partir du 06.10.2022 jusqu'au 11.11.2022
Autres informations pour l'obtention du dossier d'appel d'offres:
All competition documents are available at www.lausannejardins.ch.

Emil Frey - rectangle